Global Sound And Vibration Measurements Webinar Series
May 17, 2022, 08:53 AM
May 17, 2022

Instrumentation Insight and Practical Testing Advice
The Modal Shop invites you to join us for a new webinar series: Sound & Vibration Measurements: Instrumentation Insight and Practical Testing Advice. We’re bringing in experts from The Modal Shop as well as other industry partners to share
decades of testing wisdom in an easy-to-access format. Each session will last approximately 45 minutes with time for questions and answers.
At the end of the series, we’ll share a certificate for continuing education credits accumulated. Learn more below and register today!
- Tools to Improve or Simplify Sound & Vibration Measurements - On-Demand
In a busy world, sometimes it's tough to tell "what's new" from even your most trusted partners. We will discuss new products and updates that you may have missed that will improve and/or simplify testing. This fast-paced session will
offer more than 20 solutions available ranging from checking entire measurement channels, new options for testing in wet environments, measuring ultra-low frequency or ultra-quiet environments, remote monitoring, and so much more. - Digitizing Your ICP® Sensors - On-Demand
Did you know you can view, record, stream, and process signals from piezoeletric accelerometers
and precision microphones from a phone? Or a tablet? Or a computer? From quick measurements to long term monitoring, simplify your testing with true plug-and-play solutions that fit in your pocket. Both the Digiducer USB Accelerometer for
vibration measurements and the new Digital ICP to USB Signal Conditioner used with any industry standard ICP/IEPE transducers are over viewed. - Modal Testing: Practical Considerations - On-Demand
New to shaker testing? Interested in a refresher? The setup of shakers, stingers, and transducers
is often a source of testing challenges and avoidable measurement errors. Join us to learn the basics and practical aspects of using modal shakers such as: shaker alignment, sensor considerations, stinger selection, amplifiers, reciprocity
assumptions, and other test-related circumstances. - Testing with Limited Capital: Sound & Vibration Equipment Rentals - On-Demand
With new budgetary uncertainty, renting equipment is a non-capital expense alternative to continue testing. The Modal Shop, part of the PCB Family, has been renting sensors and systems for 30+ years to companies around the globe.
From sensors to complete measurement systems, a wide range of solutions are available to continue your testing in 2020. Join us to learn more about on-continent equipment and support available in Europe. - Common Pitfalls of Outdoor Noise Measurements - On-Demand
We get it, outdoor measurements can be tricky! Depending on the test, you may not get a
second chance, so it's important to get it right the first time. Common pitfalls include: inadequate weather protection, poor instrument marking and site selection, incorrect or incomplete data, deficient power planning, and not anticipating
data file size. - How Often Should I Recalibrate My Sensor? - On-Demand
Join us as we discuss the most frequently asked and seemingly simple question – “How
Often Should I Recalibrate My Sensor?”. This question has the often unsatisfying answer of "it depends." During the 45-minute session, we will cover a more detailed analysis of the factors involved. Parameters of risk are considered
with common questions raised that will allow any stakeholder involved in a measurement to provide appropriate calibration intervals. Although sensors highlighted focus on common types used in structural testing (e.g., accelerometers, microphones,
modal impact hammers), concepts discussed are equally applicable to many sensor types. - Ask Me Anything - On-Demand
Join us to have your test and measurement questions answered by the experts! We will be collecting questions from every webinar in the Sound & Vibration Measurements Series as well as questions submitted via email and social
media and answering them LIVE. To submit your questions, please send them to by 13 October!